Friday, February 13, 2015

Prayers Answered: Visas in Hand

For those who don't already know... WE GOT OUR VISAS! Yes, the prayers of everyone as well as the efforts of the many of you who reached out and gave us contacts to work with REALLY paid off. We picked them up 20 days after dropping them off. NOT EVEN 3 WEEKS. When we dropped them off we were told it could take over 6 months and to not plan on going back any time soon. Alas, this was no challenge for God who is always faithful. A lesson for us to make sure we are relying on Him and not ourselves. When you have the King of the Universe on your team, He is always victorious. 

I talked to Derry Connolly this week, the President of John Paul Catholic University in Escondido, California. We talked about how God continually brings us through trials and proves himself to us, He has never lest us down and he is always faithful, and yet we still get nervous, worry, and lack trust. 

This Lent we are offering our prayers and sacrifices for TRUST (for us and for all of you). May God prove his faithfulness to you in some way (He knows what you need) and may you understand it deep in your heart. 

Thanks again for all your prayers. Keep them coming, they are efficacious. 

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