Sunday, June 7, 2015

Recovering from Heartbreak

We were planning on making this blog post a pregnancy announcement, but as many of you already know, we unfortunately miscarried our dear baby. This is our second miscarriage since our wedding three years ago this month. Miscarriages are seriously one of the most difficult thing that a human person could have to endure. 

Thank you to the many of you who expressed your sympathy and for those who took time to write to us with encouragement. Many people asked us why we announced our pregnancy to so many people so early and the reason is that our baby's life is worth being celebrated, no matter how short. Life is a blessing and even though we are suffering now, we do not regret telling anyone about the life with which we were graced for 11 weeks.

Because of the difficulty of the process and the many many medical procedures we have had to endure, we took a week off from the mission and spent the time allowing Kara's body to recover, grieving and sleeping, processing all that just happened, and also we were able to plan for upcoming weeks. It would be most helpful to us if you would continue to pray for us as we grieve. It seems to be the most helpful thing anyone can do to help. 

We also want to give everyone a heads up that we will be returning to the US for two weeks at the end of July/early August in order to get some added medical advice. Please pray that we are able to continue our missionary endeavors while growing our family. 


Here's what happened in Alto this past month...

Our Portuguese skills went through the roof as we did all of the courses for the children for two weeks... alone... all in Portuguese. We were scared for nothing. The children were incredibly patient and thoroughly enjoyed all of the projects we planned. 

Some of our projects included: 
  • Teaching the kids how to make pizza
  • Pentecost headbands and coloring projects
  • Learning the story of Esau and Jacob 
  • Playing ping pong (thanks to those who donated to help us get the set!)
  • Sidewalk chalk and soccer outside on a rare sunny day
  • Leaning popular songs

In addition, we are able to send 25 to 35 young people on a youth conference this month thanks to several of you who donated! THANK YOU. The cost was $2 per person and for the young adults here, that is a lot of money. What a blessing to have our friends pull through and help us out. 

A minor problem happened when the rain didn't stop for three weeks straight and our walls started growing black mold. We rapidly got a major mold infestation in our whole house. Our office had a twin bed in it, but in just 48 hours the entire bed because green, so much mold that the bed frame was beyond being saved. Our walls are block and cement, so we were able to bleach the walls clean and we used vinegar on the floors and all of our clothes. After three days of working and God's grace with two days of significant sunshine we are now safe from the mold! The rain has let up. Although it rains every day, it is just a little and the sun in out a lot more now. Our neighbors helped us out by making a drainage hole in our retaining wall to let the flood waters out (keeping it out of our basement floor). They also cut down the trees that were in the front of our house which lets a lot more sunshine down below to dry out the cement for soccer games!

It was my turn for Zika Fever. It's a strain of Dengue fever that has become an epidemic here in Brazil. When you get bit by an infected mosquito you get a fever, headache, dizziness, and an itchy red rash that covers your whole body. Kara had it last month and it was my turn to overcome it this time. It wan't as bad as I anticipated, and now that I got it, I think I am immune from getting it again. 

Thanks again for your prayers, stay connected to our Facebook page and Instagram page so you can see pictures of the kids and more about what we're doing here.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Keep up the amazing missionary work! We'll be praying for ya!